The Locus of Control (LOC) survey measures an individual’s perception about the underlying causes of events that occur in their lives. This survey can be used to study the relationship between feelings of control and other psychological phenomena such as feelings of reward, decision-making, etc. While neither is overly good or bad, having a strong internal locus of control is typically associated with a better outlook on changing one’s circumstances.
In this survey, you are asked whether you generally feel that the things that happen to you are within or beyond your control.
As the environment around you changes, you might attribute success and failure either to things you have control over (internal locus of control), or to forces outside your influence (external locus of control). While neither is necessarily good or bad, a strong internal locus of control is typically linked to a better outlook on changing one’s circumstances.
These data are automatically written to a csv file upon completion of the survey
1-2 mins