Take a break (timed)

This block is used to prompt participants to take a break. The page will automatically progress to the next portion of the study after 4 minutes.


The following features of this survey can be tweaked:

* Default values are shown (can clone survey and modify these)

The background color


Survey parameters

The following features of this survey can be tweaked:

* Default values are shown (can clone survey and modify these)


Take a break

Before moving to the next section, please take a 4-minute break. When you are done, the study will automatically move on to the next task.

Do not exit out of this page! Exiting this page will end the study.


MINDHIVE is a web-based citizen science platform that supports real-world brain and behavior research.

MINDHIVE was designed for students & teachers who seek authentic STEM research experience, and for neuroscientists & cognitive/social psychologists who seek to address their research questions outside of the lab.

© 2020