Social Network Sites Usage Questionnaire (SNSs)

How much time do people spend on social media and how do they use it?

This is a 13-question survey measures social media usage in daily life. Specifically, it asks about how frequently people use social media platforms, how much they use social media to interact with others, and how much they share personal aspects of themselves on social media. This survey can be used to explore relationships between social media use and variables like gender, mental health, or personality. Past research suggests that higher social media use is linked with lower self control (Kalinin & Edguer, 2023).

  • Shi, Y., Luo, Y. L., Yang, Z., Liu, Y., & Cai, H. (2014). The development and validation of the social network sites (SNSs) usage questionnaire. In Social Computing and Social Media: 6th International Conference, SCSM 2014, Held as Part of HCI International 2014, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, June 22-27, 2014. Proceedings 6 (pp. 113-124). Springer International Publishing.
  • Kalinin, V., & Edguer, N. (2023). The Effects of Self-Control and Self-Awareness on Social Media Usage, Self-Esteem, and Affect. Eureka, 8(1).

  • This survey cannot be tweaked.
The following languages that are currently offered for this survey are not validated translations. This survey was translated using Google Translate and verified by members of the community.

What data is collected? How is it scored?
The following variables are recorded:
  • SNSs_basic_usage: Higher scores mean participants reported using social media more frequently.
  • SNSs_interactive_usage: Higher scores mean participants reported interacting with others more on social media.
  • SNSs_self_display_usage: Higher scores mean participants reported showcasing personal aspects of themselves more on social media.
Raw data: 13 questions broken into 3 variables (basic usage, interactive usage, and self-display usage). Each variable's score ranges from 1-7.

Subscores are determined by averaging the scores of the questions in each variable. The Likert scale ranges from 1 ("never") to 7 ("multiple times a day"), so the averages of the scores will also range from 1-7.

  • SNSs_basic_usage: Average of questions 1, 2, 3
  • SNSs_interactive_usage: Average of questions 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13
  • SNSs_self_display_usage: Average of questions 4, 7, 8, 9


In this survey, you are asked about your everyday social media habits.


The following features of this survey can be tweaked:

* Default values are shown (can clone survey and modify these)



What participants see before taking the survey

In this survey, you are asked about your everyday social media habits.

Mobile compatible

Aggregate Variables

These data are automatically written to a csv file upon completion of the survey

more info

Measures social media habits

  • SNSs_basic_usage: Higher scores mean participants reported using social media more frequently.
  • SNSs_interactive_usage: Higher scores mean participants reported interacting with others more on social media.
  • SNSs_self_display_usage: Higher scores mean participants reported showcasing personal aspects of themselves more on social media.


Subscores are determined by averaging the scores of the questions in each variable. The Likert scale ranges from 1 ("never") to 7 ("multiple times a day"), so the averages of the scores will also range from 1-7.


This is a likert scale survey.


2-5 mins


  • Shi, Y., Luo, Y. L., Yang, Z., Liu, Y., & Cai, H. (2014). The development and validation of the social network sites (SNSs) usage questionnaire. In Social Computing and Social Media: 6th International Conference, SCSM 2014, Held as Part of HCI International 2014, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, June 22-27, 2014. Proceedings 6 (pp. 113-124). Springer International Publishing.
  • Kalinin, V., & Edguer, N. (2023). The Effects of Self-Control and Self-Awareness on Social Media Usage, Self-Esteem, and Affect. Eureka, 8(1).


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