Pediatric Social Relationship Scales (PSRS)

How have an adolescents social relationships been over the past month?

The Pediatric Social Relationship Scale (PSRS) is a NIH Toolbox survey that measures the social relationship of adolescents. The 3 aspects that it measures are social support, companionship, and social distress. The PSRS was adapted from its adult version to be used for adolescents.

  • Dietz, L. J., Cyranowski, J. M., Fladeboe, K. M., Kelly, M. A. R., Pilkonis, P. A., Butt, Z., Salsman, J. M., & Cella, D. (2022). Assessing Aspects of Social Relationships in Youth Across Middle Childhood and Adolescence: The NIH Toolbox Pediatric Social Relationship Scales. Journal of pediatric psychology also in OUP Academic.

  • language (english, spanish, french, chinese)
The following languages that are currently offered for this survey are not validated translations. This survey was translated using Google Translate and verified by members of the community.

What data is collected? How is it scored?
The following variables are recorded:
  • PSRS_socialsupport
  • PSRS_companionship
  • PSRS_socialdistress
  • PSRS_subscales_totalsum
  • PSRS_socialsupport_avg
  • PSRS_companionship_avg
  • PSRS_socialdistress_avg
  • PSRS_total_avg
Raw data: 31 items broken into 3 categories (social support, companionship, social distress). Each question uses a 5 point likert scale format. 19 questions are reverse coded.

Social Support subscale = sum of 7 items with 'socialsupport' coding
Companionship subscale = sum of 12 items with 'companionship' coding; 7 items are reverse scored
Social Distress subscale= sum of 12 items with 'socialdistress' coding; all items are reverse scored

Total PSRS score = add subscale scores

Finally, averages are calculated for each subscale and the total score.


The following features of this survey can be tweaked:

* Default values are shown (can clone survey and modify these)



What participants see before taking the survey

In this task, you are asked to rate how often or how much you feel each statement applies to you in the past month.

What participants see after taking the survey

Why this survey? Factors measured here assess the development and experience of social support networks. The strength of these relationships are associated with emotional and behavioral outcomes across a lifespan.

Mobile compatible

Aggregate Variables

These data are automatically written to a csv file upon completion of the survey

more info

Measures quality of adolescents' social relationships

  • PSRS_socialsupport
  • PSRS_companionship
  • PSRS_socialdistress
  • PSRS_subscales_totalsum
  • PSRS_socialsupport_avg
  • PSRS_companionship_avg
  • PSRS_socialdistress_avg
  • PSRS_total_avg


7 mins


  • Dietz, L. J., Cyranowski, J. M., Fladeboe, K. M., Kelly, M. A. R., Pilkonis, P. A., Butt, Z., Salsman, J. M., & Cella, D. (2022). Assessing Aspects of Social Relationships in Youth Across Middle Childhood and Adolescence: The NIH Toolbox Pediatric Social Relationship Scales. Journal of pediatric psychology also in OUP Academic.


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