Paired Recall (free) Task

How do we recall words from our memory?

Please refer back to the Paired Recall (Cue) Task Background section. The paired free recall task is different from the paired cued recall task in that participants are asked to remember as many stimuli as possible, without any word cues. This paired associate learning paradigm can also be used to understand the nature of associations in memory and to examine the nature of forgetting.

  • Free recall cued recall, and recognition

The following features can be tweaked (default values in parentheses):
  • Welcome message
  • Task instructions
  • Memorize instruction footer
  • Recall instructions
  • Thank you message
  • Color of word to memorize
  • Size of word to memorize
  • Whether or not to show custom word pairs
  • Custom word pairs (by default, no custom words)
  • Whether or not to randomize trial sequence
  • Duration of time that word pairs are shown during learning phase (2500ms)
    Note: Default implementation has just 5 word pairs that are done in a fixed sequence (no custom words)
    If additional word pairs are included, default is to randomize their order

What data is collected? How is it scored?
The following variables are recorded:
  • numberOfUniquePairsSubmitted
  • numberOfCorrectAnswers
  • numberOfWrongAnswers
  • percentOfCorrectAnswers
  • meanResponseTime
Percent of correct answers is on 0-100 scale. Average response time is calculated from all recall trials. Note that only unique submissions are considered, so participants are neither rewarded nor penalized if they submit the same pair more than once.

What participants see before taking the task

In this task, you are asked to remember and recall word pairs.

What participants see after taking the task

The paired free recall task is a learning paradigm that measures participants’ memory of word pairs, without any prompting.

Aggregate Variables

These data are automatically written to a csv file upon completion of the task

  • Number of word pairs submitted
  • Number of correct submissions
  • Number of incorrect submissions
  • % correct submissions
  • Average response time of submissions
  • Note that only unique submissions are considered, so participants are neither rewarded nor penalized if they submit the same pair more than once


7-8 mins


  • Free recall cued recall, and recognition


MINDHIVE is a web-based citizen science platform that supports real-world brain and behavior research.

MINDHIVE was designed for students & teachers who seek authentic STEM research experience, and for neuroscientists & cognitive/social psychologists who seek to address their research questions outside of the lab.

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