Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10)

How stressed have you been lately?

The Kessler Psychological Distress Scale asks participants to indicate the extent to which they have experienced anxiety and depressive symptoms in the past month. Though it can sometimes be used as a clinical tool, the K10 was intended for the general population as a way to study the prevalence of psychological distress in a given population and/or identify individuals in need of further assessment for anxiety and depression.

Resources :
  • Kessler, R.C., Barker, P.R., Colpe, L.J., Epstein, J.F., Gfroerer, J.C., Hiripi, E., Howes, M.J, Normand, S-L.T., Manderscheid, R.W., Walters, E.E., Zaslavsky, A.M. (2003). Screening for serious mental illness in the general population Archives of General Psychiatry. 60(2), 184-189.
  • Kessler, R.C., Andrews, G., Colpe, L.J., Hiripi, E., Mroczek, D.K., Normand, S.-L.T., Walters, E.E., & Zaslavsky, A. (2002). Short screening scales to monitor population prevalances and trends in nonspecific psychological distress. Psychological Medicine. 32(6), 959-976.

This survey cannot be tweaked.

What data is collected? How is it scored?
The following variables are recorded:
  • K10_score
Raw data: 10 questions in a 5-point likert scale format. A single score is calculated by taking the sum of all individual questions' scores. No items are reverse-scored. Score can range from 10 - 50.

What participants see before taking the survey

In this survey, you will be asked some questions about your mood and behavior in the past month.

What participants see after taking the survey

Thank you for participating. The Kessler Psychological Distress Scale measures the extent to which participants have experienced anxiety and depressive symptoms in the past month and can be used by researchers to study the prevalence of psychological distress in a given population.

Aggregate Variables

These data are automatically written to a csv file upon completion of the survey

  • K10_score


1-2 mins


  • Kessler, R.C., Barker, P.R., Colpe, L.J., Epstein, J.F., Gfroerer, J.C., Hiripi, E., Howes, M.J, Normand, S-L.T., Manderscheid, R.W., Walters, E.E., Zaslavsky, A.M. (2003). Screening for serious mental illness in the general population Archives of General Psychiatry. 60(2), 184-189.
  • Kessler, R.C., Andrews, G., Colpe, L.J., Hiripi, E., Mroczek, D.K., Normand, S.-L.T., Walters, E.E., & Zaslavsky, A. (2002). Short screening scales to monitor population prevalances and trends in nonspecific psychological distress. Psychological Medicine. 32(6), 959-976.


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