Consent Form Block

What is the Consent block?
The consent block enables scientists to display a pdf hosted on Google Drive in a MindHive block and collect their participants' consent.

Carefull, the consent block does not block participants from continuing your experiment. It is only collecting the participant's decision.


The following features of this survey can be tweaked:

* Default values are shown (can clone survey and modify these)

Provide the name of your study here:

Name of my study

Provide your name here for your participants to know who is the investigator of the present study.

John Doe

The id of the document you want to display. Follow the following link to a tutorial explaining how to find the ID of your document:


What participants see before taking the survey

In this block, we ask you if you consent to the collection of data through this study and let you download the consent form created by the study's investigator.

What participants see after taking the survey

Thanks for responding to the consent form.

Aggregate Variables

These data are automatically written to a csv file upon completion of the survey

  • consentFormAnswer


2 mins


MINDHIVE is a web-based citizen science platform that supports real-world brain and behavior research.

MINDHIVE was designed for students & teachers who seek authentic STEM research experience, and for neuroscientists & cognitive/social psychologists who seek to address their research questions outside of the lab.

© 2020