Barcelona Music Reward Questionnaire (BMRQ)

How emotionally rewarding is music to you?

The Barcelona Music Reward Questionnaire (BMRQ) is a brief survey that assesses different facets of music and reward experiences. Participants rate the degree to which they identify with various statements about emotional engagement with music. It contains 20 questions split into 5 different sub-factors: music-seeking, emotion evocation, mood regulation, sensorimotor engagement, and social reward. A single overall score can be calculated by taking the sum of individual factor scores.

  • Mas-Herrero, E., Marco-Pallares, J., Lorenzo-Seva, U., Zatorre, R. J., & Rodriguez-Fornells, A. (2012). Individual differences in music reward experiences. Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 31(2),

This survey cannot be tweaked.

What data is collected? How is it scored?
The following variables are recorded:
  • BMRQ_MS_subscore (musical seeking): This score represents how actively you spend your time, effort, or money to listen to and inform yourself about music.
  • BMRQ_EE_subscore (emotion evocation): This score represents the degree to which you experience strong emotions as a result of listening to music. Seeking out emotional music, becoming tearful or emotional when listening, or feeling chills all indicate a higher score.
  • BMRQ_MR_subscore (mood regulation): This score represents the degree to which music serves to calm, comfort, or otherwise help improve your mood.
  • BMRQ_SM_subscore (sensorimotor): This score measures how physical of an experience you have when listening to music. If you tend to dance, tap or move to the beat, or can't resist humming or singing along, this score will be higher.
  • BMRQ_SR_subscore (social reward): This score measures how much music serves to make you feel connected to other people. If you feel a stronger social bond with people when you listen to music together, sing or play together, or attend a concert with others, it indicates higher social reward.
  • BMRQ_totalScore: the sum of all five subscores. It represents the relative degree that you derive pleasure from engaging in any/all musical experiences, as a single overall score. In simpler terms, what do you "get" out of music?
Raw data: 20 items total, 5-point likert scale. Questions broken into 5 categories (musical seeking, emotion evocation, mood regulation, sensorimotor, social reward)

Subscores are calculated by taking the sum of the scores for questions in each sub-factor, taking into account reverse-coding of some questions (#2 and #5). Total score is calculated by taking the sum of all 5 subscores.

What participants see before taking the survey

In this survey, you are asked to evaluate statements about your emotions and behavior related to music.

What participants see after taking the survey

Thank you for your responses. This survey is used to measure individual differences in musical reward experiences

Aggregate Variables

These data are automatically written to a csv file upon completion of the survey

more info

Measures emotional experiences with music

  • BMRQ_MS_subscore (musical seeking): This score represents how actively you spend your time, effort, or money to listen to and inform yourself about music.
  • BMRQ_EE_subscore (emotion evocation): This score represents the degree to which you experience strong emotions as a result of listening to music. Seeking out emotional music, becoming tearful or emotional when listening, or feeling chills all indicate a higher score.
  • BMRQ_MR_subscore (mood regulation): This score represents the degree to which music serves to calm, comfort, or otherwise help improve your mood.
  • BMRQ_SM_subscore (sensorimotor): This score measures how physical of an experience you have when listening to music. If you tend to dance, tap or move to the beat, or can't resist humming or singing along, this score will be higher.
  • BMRQ_SR_subscore (social reward): This score measures how much music serves to make you feel connected to other people. If you feel a stronger social bond with people when you listen to music together, sing or play together, or attend a concert with others, it indicates higher social reward.
  • BMRQ_totalScore: the sum of all five subscores. It represents the relative degree that you derive pleasure from engaging in any/all musical experiences, as a single overall score. In simpler terms, what do you "get" out of music?


2 mins


  • Mas-Herrero, E., Marco-Pallares, J., Lorenzo-Seva, U., Zatorre, R. J., & Rodriguez-Fornells, A. (2012). Individual differences in music reward experiences. Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 31(2),


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