Measures attitudes toward women
In this survey, you are asked about your views toward women.
In this survey, you are asked about your views toward women.
This survey can be used to explore relationships between different aspects of sexism and variables like where people live, mental health, or empathy. Past research suggests that adolescents who reported less supportive family environments reported more hostile and benevolent sexist attitudes toward women (Dueñas et al., 2020).
These data are automatically written to a csv file upon completion of the survey
Measures attitudes toward women
Subscores are determined by averaging the scores of the questions in each variable. The Likert scale ranges from 0 ("disagree strongly") to 5 ("agree strongly"), so the averages of the scores will also range from 0-5. If an item is reverse-scored (denoted with an R after the question number), the score is subtracted from 5. Specifically, if a question is reverse-scored, and the participant responds "disagree strongly", then this question will be scored as a 5 rather than 0.
This is a Likert scale survey.
7 mins